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Creating a defined wider jawline or reducing excessive width define

Non-surgical jawline augmentation with hyaluronic acid (HA) cosmetic fillers can enhance the contours and shape of the lower face in a very natural-looking way. The width of the jaw can be made to appear wider from the front view in patients with a relatively narrow jawline, thereby improving the overall dimensions of the face resulting in a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing proportion. The jawline can also be made to look tighter and more defined from the side view, particularly when combined with a non-surgical chin augmentation, helping to reduce the appearance of jowls and lower facial skin laxity.

Some patients have an excessively widened lower face and jawline resulting from enlargement (hypertrophy) of their masseter muscles. This excess muscle bulk can be reduced by injecting a temporary-acting muscle relaxant so that the jawline appears slimmer when viewed from the front.

Sloave Clinic London

Treatment Overview

icon-clock How long is the procedure?

An initial appointment usually involves a detailed consultation with Dr Rhobaye for a tailored treatment strategy of 45-60 minutes. The actual injection stage takes only 10-20 minutes but can be significantly longer if combined with other treatment areas.

icon-needle How comfortable is the treatment?

Jawline reshaping treatments with fillers are usually tolerated very well. The premium cosmetic fillers that we use for the jawline contain a local anaesthetic to reduce any discomfort significantly.

Similarly, jawline slimming treatment involves a few injections of muscle relaxant into each masseter delivered gently using very fine needles with no anaesthetic required.

icon-heart How long is recovery time?

Non-surgical jawline reshaping is a minimally invasive technique with significantly less risk of complications and downtime compared to surgery. You can return to work or your usual routine immediately or very soon after treatment.

You may experience some very mild swelling and occasionally bruising, which can take a few days to settle. Should bruising occur, they can be adequately covered up with makeup.

You will be advised by Dr Rhobaye on the expected recovery time so that you can plan a suitable procedure date. If requiring treatment before an important event, please book ahead allowing time for both the treatment and a 2-3 week follow-up review.

icon-eye When will I see results?

Jawline augmentation: the results from hyaluronic acid filler treatments are immediate, and you should expect a noticeable improvement straight away. However, these results will develop further as the fillers undergo a process of integration and compaction, which can take some time to complete. There will also be a degree of minor soft tissue swelling which needs to resolve to assess the treatment outcome. Consequently, the final stable results can take several weeks to appear, typically 4-8 weeks.

Jawline slimming: there will be a gradual reduction in muscle thickness occurring over the following weeks, which typically become noticeable around 6-12 weeks.

results How long do results last?

Jawline augmentation: results may last between 12-24 months or even longer in some individuals. Although HA fillers are classified as temporary, results can persist for a long time such that the baseline is improved with each treatment. This, in turn, means that you need less filler to maintain the same results and that the results can last incrementally longer with each treatment, especially if undertaken as part of a maintenance programme.

Jawline slimming: the results typically last approximately 6-12 months, however, can be easily extended with a repeat treatment session. Indeed, we have observed that the duration of results usually increase after each treatment to the extent that some patients stop requiring any further injections after a certain number of sessions. 

icon-calendar How many sessions will I need?

This will be discussed during your consultation as it varies from patient to patient and on the treatment area and desired result.

Jawline cosmetic fillers: for certain patients, only one session is necessary, whereas others may require several staged procedures over some time. We usually recommend that patients seeking further treatment allow at least 2 weeks (preferably 4 to 6 weeks) before undergoing additional filler procedures within the same area. After an optimal jawline structure is achieved, then only occasional smaller maintenance treatments are required perhaps once every 12-24 months.

Jawline slimming: for patients with only moderate muscle enlargement, one session is usually enough. However, some patients with particularly bulky muscles may need 2-3 sessions spaced 8-12 weeks apart to achieve optimal results.

natural-icon Will it look natural?

A fundamental principle in our treatment philosophy is that the results have to look natural. We take great care and skill in achieving this through a carefully planned treatment strategy that is highly individualised to each patient’s specific facial anatomical features. Dr Rhobaye is a highly experienced specialist and leading authority in non-surgical and minimally-invasive facial aesthetics. He uses advanced methodologies and techniques incorporating higher-level treatment philosophies that consider the face as a whole to achieve a very natural-looking appearance without distracting or disproportionate features. It is a comprehensive treatment strategy for full facial rejuvenation using the very latest and most advanced filler and neurotoxin technology.

Please look at our Photo Gallery for examples of our work.       

reverse Can the treatment results from Cosmetic Fillers be reversed?

Our experience with non-surgical jawline enhancement is that the patient satisfaction rate of this procedure is extremely high. Nevertheless, one of the main advantages of using hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers is that the procedure is reversible. If a patient wishes to reverse the changes for any reason, a particular enzyme (hyaluronidase) can be injected into the treatment area to dissolve the HA filler.

Disclaimer: Individual results and reactions may vary and can be affected by factors such as anatomy, physiology, metabolism, physical as well as environmental stresses, and fluctuations in body weight.

Sloave Clinic London
  • Jawline anatomy

    The jawbone (mandible) provides the framework for the lower face and mouth, holding the lower teeth and acting as structural support for the soft tissues (skin, fat, muscle, salivary glands and ligaments) of the face and neck. The most anterior point of the mandible is the chin (mental protuberance) in the midline. It extends backwards and outwards to the angle of the jaw where the horizontal and vertical parts of each half of the mandible meet. The mandible is an important point of insertion for muscles that move the mouth, including a pair of large muscles called the masseters. Both the jawbone and the masseters, as well as overlying parotid and salivary glands, fat compartments, ligaments and skin, determine the overall jawline shape. Therefore changes in either the bone or any of the soft tissue components can also affect the overall jawline to different degrees, especially the width of the lower face as well as the jawline definition and the angle of the jaw.

  • Differences between male and female jawlines

    There are several gender-specific differences in jawline anatomy with men overall having wider, larger and more square-shaped jaws than females from the front. Conversely, female jawlines ideally have a more V-shaped appearance in the frontal view with a smaller, narrower and slightly less projected chin. The facial muscles generally also tend to be thicker and larger in males than females. The angle of the jaw (gonial angle) viewed from the side is also different, tending to be more acute in males and more obtuse in females. Other important measurements are the bizygomatic width (the linear distance between the outermost part of the cheekbones viewed from the front), and the bigonial width (the linear distance between the right and left external angles of the jaw viewed from the front). In males, the bigonial width is ideally slightly less than the bizygomatic width with the jaws being almost as wide as the cheekbones from the front. This gives the typical square shaped jawline and facial frame of the male. In females, the bigonial width is significantly less than bizygomatic width when compared to males, evident as a narrower V-shaped jawline. These differences are not just of academic interest but provide important gender-specific references and principles for the way a jawline augmentation is performed. 

  • Causes of a weak jawline

    In both men and women, there is gradual and progressive reabsorption of bone during the ageing process. This results in a decrease in the height of the jawbone and a reduction in chin projection, which may change the balance between the lower third and upper two-thirds of the face.

    A naturally weak chin and jaw (again, relative to ideal proportions), however, is not only a condition of advancing age but is quite often seen in young to middle-aged patients due to their genetically determined facial features. Rarely, an underlying birth or developmental abnormality may cause a range of facial deformities including those of the jawbone, chin and teeth alignment.

  • Aesthetic consequences of a weak jawline

    If the structural support provided by the jawbone and chin is reduced, the surrounding soft tissues become more prone to the effects of gravity, leading to facial sagging. These changes are compounded over time by increased skin damage, skin thinning, fat volume loss, fat redistribution and downward displacement, as well as both skin and soft tissue laxity (including weakening of the ligaments that hold facial fat compartments and salivary glands in place).

    The overall result is a relative excess of skin and soft tissue in the lower face with the formation of jowls and loss of definition of the jawline and neck areas. This may be particularly noticeable on the front half of the jawline and neck in the area under the chin, which can become less defined and loose with blunting of the angle between the jaw and neck. A combination of a weak chin bone, excess neck fat, droopy salivary glands, sagging neck (platysmal) muscle and loose skin can give rise to a classic “double chin” appearance. Loose skin and a sagging platysma neck muscle with fat loss can lead to a “turkey neck”, where the neck displays multiple loose folds and wrinkles.

  • Benefits of non-surgical jaw augmentation with cosmetic fillers

    Treatment of the lower face with specific types of volumising fillers provides a localised enhancement of the jawline to improve contours. By providing structural support to the surrounding facial soft tissues, HA fillers counter gravitational changes, restore fullness and offer a lift with gentle skin expansion and stretch, helping to reduce facial sagging. They also provide a “forward push” to the soft tissues of the jaw, including the superficial neck muscle, such that neck contours usually become better defined, particularly if combined with a non-surgical chin augmentation.

    These treatments are performed using denser forms of HA fillers that are first injected just onto the jawbone for structural support of the overlying soft tissue. They can also but be layered on top to provide an even greater definition. Depending on how the filler is injected, the vertical or horizontal lengths of the bone at the angle of the jaw can be increased to change the apparent angle. The outer edge of the jaw can also be augmented to increase the apparent jaw width. 

  • Masseter hypertrophy and widening of the jawline

    The masseters are a pair of large muscles, with one on each side of the face, that run from outer cheekbone to the back of the lower jaw, and are muscles used for chewing and grinding food. Some female patients, particularly from certain races, develop overgrown (hypertrophic) masseter jaw muscles, which can excessively widen their jawline, appearing more square-shaped when viewed from the front. This masculinised jawline can be an unattractive feature in female patients where the aesthetic ideal is a more V-shaped profile that is typically found in the younger female face. Male patients can sometimes also develop quite a significant masseter muscle enlargement that can excessively widen their jawlines. In both genders, the ideal proportions of the face become disturbed as a result of the lower face becoming wider than the mid-face leading to a less aesthetically pleasing appearance.

  • Jawline slimming with a muscle relaxant

    In both female and male patients, treating masseter muscle enlargement with injections of a temporary-acting prescription-only muscle relaxant can help reduce the thickness of the muscle such that the jawline appears slimmer when viewed from the front. This treatment can be quite transformative in certain patients and help to significantly rebalance the lower face with the mid-face to a more aesthetically ideal and attractive proportion, giving a slimmer facial appearance. The doses used do not noticeably affect an individuals ability to chew food but can help reduce undesirable teeth grinding.

  • Masseter hypertrophy treatment and bruxism (teeth grinding)

    Some patients with masseter muscle hypertrophy may also complain of grinding or clenching of the teeth and bracing or thrusting of their jawbone (a condition termed “bruxism”). This is a complex condition with different subtypes and characteristics and the cause of which is likely to be multifactorial, including temporomandibular joint disorders, for instance.

    Many patients with bruxism find that treating masseter muscle hypertrophy with muscle relaxant can improve their symptoms, and this observation is currently the subject of clinical research.

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