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Welcome to our facial treatment navigator section, which provides an overview of treatment options that we provide for each specific area of the face or the full face (facial harmonisation). You can use this page to help you identify the right facial aesthetic treatment for you. For each area, you will also find links that can help you navigate to other sections within the site that provide further detailed information so that you can learn more about each relevant procedure. 


    Full facial area aesthetic enhancement delivered non-surgically

    Facial Harmonisation is an advanced and pioneering non-surgical procedure that is based on treating multiple facial areas using cosmetic fillers, often in combination with BOTOX®️, to aesthetically enhance the full face and overall facial appearance. The principles of facial harmonisation are to restore volume, rebalance facial proportions, improve definition, smoothen contours, reshape uneven features, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and facial sagging. The treatments are tailored to each patient so that they look like the best versions of themselves with natural-looking results. Facial harmonisation can provide an excellent alternative to a surgical facelift with long-term and yet reversible results that can be delivered gradually over time.

    Facial Harmonisation BOTOX®️
  • Forehead, Temples and Eyebrows

    Treating the forehead is more than just softening the appearance of wrinkles. Indeed, the temples and forehead are an often overlooked area of facial rejuvenation. Replacing lost volume in these areas can dramatically improve the appearance of the upper third of the face, optimising the contour of the forehead and proportions with the rest of the face as well as helping to support and reshape the eyebrows.

    Wrinkles and fine lines

    Wrinkles on the forehead can often be very successfully treated with BOTOX®️, sometimes in combination with cosmetic fillers placed both at the superficial and deep layers. Deep, extensive wrinkles may require additional treatment with skin resurfacing or tissue remodelling procedures such as Morpheus8®️, deep chemical peels or fractional ablative lasers.

    Volume loss in temples and forehead

    In addition to directly treating superficial wrinkles, cosmetic fillers can be used at a deeper level to restore lost volume in the forehead and temples using advanced techniques. This can, for example, provide a more youthful convexity of the lower forehead in females as well as help lift, support and reshape the eyebrows. Deep tissue volume restoration over the bone can also help to indirectly improve overlying wrinkles in the skin by changing the resting tone of the forehead muscle.  

    Brow lift and eyebrow reshaping

    Depending on the severity and local anatomy, both BOTOX®️ and cosmetic fillers can be used effectively to provide a degree of non-surgical brow lift as well as support and reshape the eyebrows to a more aesthetic ideal. FaceTite®️/AcuTite®️ can give an even more profound yet still minimally-invasive brow lift using advanced deep tissue radiofrequency. 


    The eye area plays an essential role in facial aesthetics and is a key determinant of beauty as well as conveying emotional attributes. Ageing and volume loss in this area can greatly impact how other people perceive you. The appearance of wrinkles, dark circles, tear troughs, eyebags, and loose skin can make you look tired, sad or angry, even when you do not feel these emotions.

    Wrinkles and fine lines

    Wrinkles around the eyes can often be very successfully treated with BOTOX®️, sometimes in combination with cosmetic fillers. Deep, extensive wrinkles may require additional treatment with skin resurfacing or tissue remodelling procedures such as Morpheus8®️, deep chemical peels or fractional ablative lasers.

    Tear troughs, dark circles, eyebags and volume loss around the eyes

    Tear troughs, under-eye hollows, and dark circles can be significantly improved with specialist cosmetic filler treatments. Dark circles can also be treated with medical-grade skincare products and PERK®️ Eye to reduce excessive pigmentation and improve sluggish blood circulation. Mild to moderate eyebags can also be made to look less visible using cosmetic fillers. Volume loss at the junction between the upper eyelids and brows can lead to a sunken or hollow appearance; this too can that can be substantially improved with advanced cosmetic filler techniques. 

    Loose under-eye skin

    Festoons and loose skin in the under-eye area can be tightened and improved using Morpheus8®️, a minimally invasive fractional radiofrequency microneedling treatment.

    General skin condition and under-eye puffiness

    PERK®️ Eye is a booster treatment from Hydrafacial®️ MD that gently nourishes the skin with nutrients and replenishes vital antioxidants to improve the skin condition around the eyes, including the eyelids. It helps to loosen dirt, oil and dead skin cells through gentle exfoliation and simultaneous removal of impurities, as well as to enhance lymphatic circulation and to reduce under-eye puffiness. 

  • NOSE

    The shape of the nose can be enhanced non-surgically using cosmetic fillers, and this is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to a surgical rhinoplasty. Cosmetic fillers can be used to contour the bridge of the nose for a straighter, smoother appearance, as well as to define and lift the nasal tip, with potentially transformative results.

    Using precise, carefully placed injections layered over the structural cartilage and bone, different areas of the nose can be reshaped, defined or lifted. Cosmetic fillers are a highly versatile tool, with the potential to precisely refine specific features of the nose to a level that may not even be possible with nose surgery. Non-surgical cosmetic filler rhinoplasty also has far less downtime than surgery, and the results can be both long-lasting but also reversible.


    Cheek augmentation

    The medial and lateral cheeks determine the width and projection of the mid-face. Restoring lost volume in the cheek area can not only provide a more attractive and youthful facial contour but also have a profound benefit in improving the overall facial appearance (by altering facial proportions) and reducing the appearance of sagging in the mid-face and lower face. The shape and structure of the cheeks are determined by both the underlying facial skeletal bone as well as the overlying fat and soft tissue compartments. A loss of cheek volume can result, therefore from both a deficiency in bone structure and from soft-tissue volume loss. These changes can occur either as a consequence of the ageing process or due to a genetic predisposition. Cosmetic fillers can be used to address not only volume loss in the fat compartments but also, using deeper placed, high-density fillers, restore projection resulting from bone volume loss. Using even more advanced techniques, cosmetic fillers can be used to modify the action of specific cheek muscles to improve the shape and pattern of a smile (see full-face page). 

    Nasolabial folds

    The nasolabial or “smile” folds are a normal feature of the face. However, during the ageing process, the folds can deepen, creating an appearance of heaviness or sagging in the mid-face as well as unattractive shadows. Cosmetic fillers can be used to help soften the appearance of the nasolabial folds through a combination of providing lateral cheek support as we as direct volume restoration of the folds themselves (both in the deep and superficial layers). 


    Improving lip definition, volume, shape, and proportions

    A lip reshaping/augmentation procedure using cosmetic fillers can have a transformative effect in improving the appearance of the lips and the surrounding area, particularly in patients who lack adequate lip definition and volume, or those who have asymmetrical or disproportionate lips. Strategic injections into the lips and surrounding areas can optimise the shape, structure and volume of the lips as well as reduce asymmetry. They can also be used to treat “smoker’s lines” and “lipstick lines”, by improving the quality of the surrounding skin and soft tissue.

    Improving the pattern of a smile

    Both cosmetic fillers and temporary acting muscle relaxants can be used to improve the shape of the smile by modifying the action of the muscles that move the lips. Certain smile conditions can be greatly improved with these treatments to restore a more aesthetically pleasing smile. These include correction of a gummy smile (where there is excess upper gum show), ‘snarly’ smile (a more restricted, narrower smile where the bottom teeth are evident during smiling, associated with flaring of the nostrils) and ‘risorius’ or ‘Joker’ smile (where there is an excessive widening of the smile in a more lateral orientation). Modifying the smile pattern requires a relatively complex sequence of steps that incorporate advanced filler concepts such as myomodulation that form part of a facial harmonisation procedure. 


    Non-surgical jawline augmentation to create a more defined, contoured jawline

    Cosmetic fillers can be used to help enhance the contours and shape of jawline, thereby improving the overall dimensions of the face resulting in a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing proportion. The jawline can also be made to look tighter and more defined from the side (profile) view, particularly when combined with a non-surgical chin augmentation, helping to reduce the appearance of mild to moderate jowls and lower facial skin laxity.

    Treating jowls and skin laxity in the jawline and upper neck

    For more advanced sagging, FaceTite®️ can provide a “no-knife” alternative to a mini-surgical facelift using state-of-the-art minimally-invasive radiofrequency technology. FaceTite®️ can be an excellent option to help tighten the upper neck and lower face as well as the outer cheeks.  FaceTite®️ can be performed in parallel with Morpheus8®️, a next-generation fractional radiofrequency microneedling procedure, to address both the skin and deeper fat layers for combined skin tightening and skin resurfacing treatment.

    Reducing excessive jawline width for facial slimming

    Some patients have an excessively widened lower face and jawline resulting from enlargement (hypertrophy) of their masseter muscles. This excess muscle bulk can be reduced by injecting a temporary-acting muscle relaxant so that the jawline appears slimmer when viewed from the front.

  • CHIN

    Chin augmentation to improve chin shape and projection, enhance facial proportions and reduce the appearance of a “double-chin”

    The chin can be augmented and reshaped non-surgically using cosmetic fillers. These treatments can significantly enhance the contours and shape of the face by increasing the projection and height of the chin. The chin can also be made to look wider (such as in males) or narrower (such as in females). Furthermore, increasing the chin height (i.e. the distance between the bottom of the lower lip and most inferior point of the chin) also increases the overall length of the face to a more aesthetically pleasing, natural-looking and balanced facial proportion. Improving the forward projection of the chin can help tighten the skin underneath, helping to reduce the appearance of a ‘double chin’ or ‘Turkey neck’ as well as enhancing the overall jawline, particularly when combined with a jawline augmentation.

    Reducing chin dimpling, softening chin grooves and improving the structural balance between the chin and lips

    Some patients develop noticeable and often unattractive dimpling of their chin during normal facial expressions, often referred to as a “poppy chin’. Poppy chin results from excessive chin muscle contraction. It can also be associated with increased retrusion and eversion of the lower lip and an imbalance in the resting position versus the upper lip. The excessive chin muscle contraction can also result in the development of a deep groove between the chin and lower lip, often associated with an overlying imprinted or etched line in the skin surface that can be very noticeable. Both cosmetic fillers and a temporary-acting muscle relaxant can be used to greatly reduce the appearance of any chin dimpling, reposition the lower lip to improve the balance with the upper lip and soften the appearance of chin grooves and etched skin lines.

Sloave Clinic London

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