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Local botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis decrease

Hyperhidrosis is more commonly known as excessive sweating. It is caused by the body’s nervous system over-stimulating the sweat glands and is a frustrating and embarrassing problem for around 1% of the population. Fortunately, treatment for excessive sweating with Botulinum toxin A (BOTOX®) can improve the quality of life for many.

BOTOX® is perhaps better known as an injection treatment for wrinkles and fine lines, yet this nerve toxin has been used in medicine for many years to treat muscle spasms and headaches as well as excessive sweating. It has been approved in the U.S. by the FDA for treating excessive axillary (underarm) sweating and found to successfully decrease underarm hyperhidrosis by 82-87%.

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Treating excessive sweating with BOTOX®

icon-clock How long is the BOTOX® procedure for treating hyperhidrosis?

A detailed consultation is undertaken at the first appointment for a tailored treatment strategy. If being treated for excessive underarm sweating, you will need to shave there the day before treatment and avoid deodorant the morning of your treatment.

The treatment area will be cleaned, and numbing cream applied to up to an hour before the BOTOX® injections. A series of about 20-25 injections of small amounts of BOTOX® will be made in the area affected with a very fine needle. This procedure takes around 20 minutes.

icon-needle How comfortable is hyperhidrosis treatment?

A numbing cream will help make the injections tolerable, and you should only feel a slight sting. For certain particularly sensitive areas of the body, such as the palms and feet, a regional anaesthetic block will be performed prior before the treatment to make it comfortable

icon-heart How long is the recovery time?

There may be some bruising, swelling, or tenderness after the procedure, but this is generally minor. You will be advised to avoid strenuous exercise and underarm deodorants for 24 hours after your procedure.

icon-eye When will I see results?

BOTOX® injections do not cure excessive sweating; they just control the symptoms and should give 4–6 months of relief though dryness can last longer. Results with excessive underarm sweating should be noticeable 2–4 days after treatment with full effects seen within two weeks.

icon-calendar How many BOTOX® sessions for hyperhidrosis will I need?

It varies from patient to patient, and on the site, the severity of the condition and dose injected. We recommend that you view BOTOX® treatment for hyperhidrosis as maintenance therapy and have a follow-up session one or two weeks later so that any sweating areas missed can be treated.

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  • What is hyperhidrosis?

    Hyperhidrosis, known as “excessive sweating”, is a common disorder that can continue throughout life – whether of the underarms (axillary hyperhidrosis), of the palms and soles of the feet (palmoplantar hyperhidrosis) or face (facial hyperhidrosis).

    Most patients suffer from idiopathic hyperhidrosis (no known underlying cause), but neurologic, endocrine, infectious, and other systemic diseases can also cause hyperhidrosis.

  • Which areas can be treated with BOTOX®?

    At Sloane Clinics, we can treat the following conditions:

    • sweaty armpits
    • excessive perspiration.
  • Why is BOTOX® used to treat hyperhidrosis?

    Sweat production needs acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter) to activate the eccrine sweat glands. BOTOX® is a strictly controlled prescription-only, highly purified protein produced by a very complex biotechnical process. It acts as a neuromuscular inhibitor temporarily blocking the nerves supplying the sweat glands so that they don’t produce sweat. It is injected just below the surface of the skin, where it remains.

    BOTOX® is the brand name for a specific type of botulinum toxin type A manufactured by Allergan PLC. It is the most commonly used type of botulinum neurotoxin (used in 70+ countries) and has the longest safety record. Consequently, it is the product of choice at Sloane Clinics. Another type of botulinum toxin called Dysport® has been shown in clinical studies to have a greater area of diffusion than BOTOX®, which may be an advantage when treating hyperhidrosis. However, this has yet to be proven in comparative studies.

  • Who is a good candidate?

    Patients must have no contraindications to BOTOX® treatment. It is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding as a precautionary measure.

    They must also first be screened for possible medical causes of hyperhidrosis, such as those triggered by medications, endocrine or neurological disorders. Patients are graded by severity of the condition: grades 3 or 4 on the scale are suitable for BOTOX®.

  • Which areas of excessive sweating can be treated with BOTOX®?

    Problematic sweating may be limited to one area of the body, such as the underarms or feet (known as “focal hyperhidrosis”) or affect large areas of the body. Areas usually affected by hyperhidrosis are the scalp, underarms, hands, feet and delicate areas such as the inframammary fold (under the breast) and scrotum. Patients may suffer from excess perspiration with facial or axillary hyperhidrosis.

     BOTOX® is licensed by the FDA in the U.S. to treat armpit sweating.

  • How safe is BOTOX® for excessive sweating treatment?

    BOTOX® has been used for many years to treat millions of patients with various medical conditions, such as spasticity and movement disorders. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved BOTOX® in 2004 as a treatment for severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis in patients unable to obtain relief using antiperspirants. At least 20 countries have approved BOTOX® for the treatment of excessive underarm sweating.

    Research demonstrates that repeatedly treating excessive sweating of the armpits, hands, feet, head and face (craniofacial), and other relatively small body areas (such as under the breasts) with BOTOX® is safe and effective and improves a patient’s quality of life.

    However, any treatment with BOTOX® must always be conducted by a licensed medical professional with substantial experience and training.

  • Are there any side effects?

    The most common side effects are swelling, stinging, and pain in the injection site; headaches and hot flushes, and sweating in sites other than the armpits. Less common side effects include nausea, itching, temporary muscle pain and weakness, joint stiffness and pain in the armpit area.

    One potential side effect of BOTOX® injections as a treatment for excess perspiration in the face, especially the forehead, is asymmetry. This happens if some of the BOTOX® diffuses into the facial muscles. However, any asymmetry is temporary and can be balanced out by additional BOTOX® injections.

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